Online Judicial Auction and Business Activities: The Case of China

Room 3301 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

Shamed by the State: Deterrent Effects of China's Social Credit System

Room 3301 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

“One System, Two Shadows”: A Local Public Finance Perspective on China’s Shadow Banking System

Room 3401 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

Building Predatory States: Unfinished Construction Projects in China

Room 3401 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

Racial Bias on E-commerce Platforms in Southeast Asia and Latin America

Room 3401 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore

Room 3301 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

The Forgotten Victims: A Case Study of Elder Fraud in the Hong Kong Judiciary System

Room 3301 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST

State-Citizen Conflict and the Emergence of Chinese Critical Citizens

Room 3401 (Lift 17-18), 3/F, Academic Building, HKUST