Comparative Analysis of Innovation Systems in Hong Kong and Shenzhen

Room 5506 (via Lifts 25-26), Academic Building, HKUST

Positive Check in Historical China: Population Size and Civil Conflict in Ming and Qing

Room 3006 (via Lift 3 or Lift 4), Academic Building, HKUST

Does Patronage Incentivize Agents? Evidence from China's Anticorruption Campaign

Room 3006 (via Lift 3 or Lift 4), Academic Building, HKUST

Fiscal Capacity Makes Foes: China's Salt Monopoly System and the Rise of Secret Societies, 1680-1911

Room 3006 (via Lift 3 or Lift 4), Academic Building, HKUST

The Political Costs of Government Expropriation

Room 3301 (via lifts 17-18), Academic Building, HKUST