Both Babies and Work? Women's Employment Status, Husband's Work Hours and Birth Transitions in South Korea

This thesis investigates (in)compatibilities between childbearing and remaining in continuous employment for married women in South Korea, using longitudinal data from the KLoWF survey from 2007 to 2018. South Korea has the lowest fertility rate in the world, and a low female labour force participation rate relative to most post-industrialized states. Non-standard employment (such as temporary, contract-based, or non-waged work) has become increasingly prevalent since the Asian Financial Crisis, particularly amongst women. Results from event history models suggest that women who work in standard employment are more likely to have a child than those who work in non-standard employment, but that maternity leave access fully explains this effect. A husband’s greater contribution to the household is strongly linked to the probability of a second birth, regardless of a woman’s employment status. The study highlights the importance of permanent employment opportunities with access to family benefits, as well as flexible work arrangements, to help women to combine work with family.  

Speakers / Performers:
Ms GANLY Rachel