Social Science Seminar - “Doing More Good” and “Doing Good Better”: Towards impactful large-team collaborative open science to tackle challenges in science and society
10:30am - 12:00pm
Online Via Zoom

Psychological science is currently going through major transformations, moving towards “Big Team Open Science” with many promising large-scale collaborative initiatives aiming to tackle major challenges in science and society. Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA), Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (FORRT), and the Many Labs consortiums include hundreds of researchers from over 80 countries around the world. These mass-collaborations are resulting in remarkable achievements from promoting a science reform in identifying and building credible research to testing global interventions addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. 

I will provide an overview of key projects and findings from “CORE team” that I have been coordinating in the past 4 years, briefly touching on my experiences from taking part in PSA and FORRT. Collaborative Open-science REsearch (CORE) is a large-scale initiative to systematically map and integrate findings in the domains in the judgment and decision-making and social psychology literatures. With a team of over 50 early career researchers from around the world and over 300 students in Hong Kong, we completed over 100 studies, 10 meta research projects, and over 20 collaborative guides and templates. We covered many topics, from heuristics and biases to morality, and we are most recently focused on leveraging gained insights towards optimizing effectiveness of altruism and promoting solutions aimed at increasing flourishing and reducing pain and suffering.

Online Via Zoom
More Information

Gilad is an assistant professor with the psychology department at the University of Hong Kong. Gilad’s work is in the areas of social psychology and judgment and decision-making. Research focuses on the topics of biases and heuristics, agency, action, morality, values, and altruism. More details on Gilad can be found at


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Speakers / Performers:
Prof Gilad FELDMAN
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong
Division of Social Science