PhD The Ohio State University, 2024
Assistant Professor
Jingyi (Karen) Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Her research focuses on family as the central context for children’s social-emotional development, with a specific emphasis on understanding fathers’ roles as parents and coparents. She is especially committed to investigating family relationships and functioning in families that face disadvantages and discrimination. She seeks to 1) explore family functioning patterns in at-risk families (e.g., low-income families), 2) identify protective family relationships and processes (e.g., high-quality coparenting and fathering) for child development; and 3) examine mechanisms and applications of protective factors.
Research Interests
• Parenting and Coparenting
• Child Social-Emotional Development
• Infancy and Early Childhood
• Transition to Parenthood
• Father Involvement
• Family Relationships and Family Dynamics