
Agnes Shuk-mei

PhD UCLA, 1995
Associate Professor

Agnes Shuk-mei Ku (Ph.D., UCLA, 1995) is Associate Professor of Social Science. She is also a Faculty Associate in the Center for Cultural Sociology of Yale University. Her research interests are cultural sociology, civil society, Hong Kong culture and politics, and urban space. She has been awarded numerous RGC grants and other research grants. Recent publications include The Civil Sphere in East Asia by Cambridge University Press (with J. Alexander, D. Palmer and S. Park), Hong Kong Mobile: Making a Global Population by HKU Press (with H. Siu), and Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, Nation, and the Global City by Routledge (with N. Pun). She received the Common Core Teaching Excellence Award (Honorable Mention) for her course on Hong Kong Culture in 2018 and the School of Humanities and Social Science Teaching Award in 2019.

Research Interests
• Cultural Sociology
• Civil Society
• Hong Kong Culture and Politics
• Urban Space
Courses Taught
SHSS 4991: Capstone Project
SHSS 4992: Honors Thesis
SHSS 4993: Honors Research
SOSC 1850: Understanding Society
SOSC 3130: Hong Kong Culture