
Gerald R.

PhD Simon Frazer University, 1991
Associate Professor Emeritus

HBA, MA Western Ontario; PhD Simon Fraser

“I don’t do business that don’t make me smile.” Jimmy Buffett

Therefore, I teach courses on the environment and do research that integrates environmental issues with fun economic activities. To do so, I reoriented my training in economic geography to incorporate the environment and broaden my range of topic areas. I teach courses on sustainable development, environment and business, and environmental governance. I also teach a course on Japan because that’s where I’ve done most of my research and because my sons love sushi.

My research focus is on how competitors cooperate in inter-firm relations, in local and regional settings, in the global commons, and in support of sustainable development. My topic areas include competitive-cooperative relations in the robot, electric vehicle, Japanese houses, precious wood, multi-media, wine, and skiing industries. I’ve also delved into theory. Some of this research has been more fun than others.

Research Interests
• Territorial and Inter-firm Cooperation
• Sustainable Development
• Environmental Economic Geography
• The Organization of Variety
• Business and Environment
• Japan