

PhD Princeton University, 2020
Assistant Professor

Han Zhang is Assistant Professor in the Division of Social Science. He obtained his PhD in Sociology from Princeton University, and his B.S., Computer Science and B.A., History from Peking University. His research spans computational social science, social movements, and quantitative methods. His recent works have advanced methods of building large-scale protest event dataset for China based on deep learning algorithms using text and image as data, and have utilized the dataset to examine the landscape, causes, and consequences of social protests in China. His past research has been published in Sociology Methodology, and has won the Mayer N. Zald Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Student Paper Award from the Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements of the American Sociological Association.


Research Interests
• Collective action and social movements
• Social network analysis
• Computational social science
• Machine learning
Courses Taught
SOSC 4300: Computational Social Science
SOSC 5340: Econometric Approaches to Social Science Research
SOSC 5500: Computational Social Science