PhD University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992
Associate Professor of Social Science Education
Originally from the UK, Julian M. Groves graduated with a BA(Hons.) Degree in sociology from Durham University and a Masters and PhD in sociology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has taught at HKUST for fourteen years and is author of a book (Hearts and Minds: The Controversy over Laboratory Animals) with Temple University Press. He has also published numerous articles in academic journals on migrant domestic helpers, non-engaged youth, social work, and ethnography in Hong Kong. He offers courses in sociology, gender, Hong Kong society and social research methods.
Courses Taught
MASS 5240: Topics in Gender and Society
SOSC 1662: Contemporary Hong Kong: Society
SOSC 1850: Understanding Society
SOSC 2130: Education and Society
SOSC 2740: Gender and Society