

PhD University of Southern California, 1997
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Sujata Balasubramanian is a Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Division of Social Science. She received her Ph.D. in Political Economy and Public Policy from the University of Southern California.

Sujata’s research explores how different kinds of programmes and government policies can help to reduce poverty and improve welfare in developing countries. In recent projects she has explored issues such as whether India’s food subsidy policies help to improve nutrition in poor households, and whether micro-credit programmes actually benefit the poor women they are targeted at.

While Sujata’s current work focuses on South Asia, particularly India, one of her goals is to undertake collaborative research projects, involving a comparative analysis of other large developing countries (such as China, Indonesia and Brazil), with India.

Talk at the HKUST Institute for Emerging market Studies (2 March 2015)



Research Interests
• Public policy and government programmes in developing countries
• Poverty reduction, gender and development in South Asia
• The political economy of development; governance and corruption
Courses Taught
SOSC 3250(Previous code-SOSC3000F): Gender and Development