

PhD MIT, 2007
Associate Professor

Wenkai He (Ph.D., MIT, 2007), is associate professor of Social Science. Before joining the Division of Social Science of HKUST, he was An Wang postdoctoral fellow at the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University. His research interests include comparative historical analysis in social science, political economy of state formation, and the political and economic history of China. His manuscript, The Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State: Early Modern England, Meiji Japan, and Qing China, is published by the Harvard University Press in 2013. His current research project, funded by Hong Kong’s Research Grants Council (RGC), is a comparative study about legitimation of state power through social policies such as plague prevention, famine relief and river works in early modern England and 18-19th century Japan and China. In the academic year 2016-2017, He will be a Radcliffe/Yenching Fellow at Harvard University. 



Research Interests
• The political economy of state formation in Western Europe and East Asia
• Comparative historical analysis in social science
• Political economy of development
• Economic history of early modern and modern China
Courses Taught
MASS 5250: The Rise and Fall of Democracy
MGCS 6000N: The Economic and Political Development of Modern Japan
SOSC 1190: China and the World: China's Development in Historical and Comparative Perspectives
SOSC 1470: The Political and Economic Development of Modern Japan
SOSC 1700: What is Democracy?
SOSC 2260: The World of Politics: An Introduction to Political Science
SOSC 3630: Democracy and Democratization around the World
SOSC 3700: Quantitative Social Analysis Practicum
SOSC 4500: The Politics of the State
SOSC 5170: Qualitative Research Methods